
Computer System Organization (COA) || Notes

 Notes on 

Computer System Organization (COA)

        The computer system is a combination of many parts such as peripheral devices,                     secondary memory, CPU etc.


  • Introduction: Function and structure of a computer, Functional components of a computer. Interconnection of components, Performance of a computer.

  • Representation of Instructions: Machine instructions, Operands. Addressing modes, Instruction formats. Instruction sets, Instruction set architectures - CISC and RISC architectures. 

  • Processing Unit: Organization of a processor - Registers. ALU and Control unit, Data path in a CPU. Instruction cycle. Organization of a control unit - Operations of a control unit, Hardwired control unit, Microprogrammed control unit. 

  • Memory Subsystem: Semiconductor memories, Memory cells - SRAM and DRAM cells, Internal Organization of a memory chip, Organization of a memory unit, Error correction memories, Interleaved memories, Cache memory unit - Concept of cache memory. Mapping methods, Organization of a cache memory unit, Fetch and write mechanisms, Memory management unit - Concept of virtual memory, Address translation, Hardware support for memory management. 

  • Input/output Subsystem: Access of I/O devices, I/O ports, I/O control mechanisms -Program controlled I/O, Interrupt controlled I/O, and DMA controlled I/O, I/O interfaces - Serial port. Parallel port. PCI bus, SCSI bus, USB bus, Firewall and InfiniBand. I/O peripherals - Input devices, Output devices, Secondary storage devices. 

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