
LECTURE NOTES || Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing


Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Course Objectives: 

  • Developments of software computer interface in design of various elements 
  • Use of software for manufacturing 
  • Automation of manufacturing methods 

Course Contents: 

Module - I 

Fundamentals of CAD: The design process, applications of computer for design, creating the Manufacturing, Database, The design workstation, Graphical Terminal, Operator input Devices, Plotters and other devices, the CPU secondary storage [8] 

Module - II

Computer graphics Software and Database: Configuration, Graphics Packages, Constructing the Geometry, transformations, Database structure and content, wire frame versus solid modeling [8]

Module - III 

CAM – Introduction, Numerical Control and NC Part Programming: NC Coordinate system, NC motion control system, Economics of NC, Manual and Computer Aid Programming, the APT language, NC programming with interactive graphics [12]

Module - IV

Problems with conventional NC, NC technology: CNC, DNC combined DNC/CNC system, Adopter control manufacturing systems, Computer Integrated manufacturing system, Machine Tools and related Equipment, Materials Handling and Storage system, computer system [12] 

Text Book(s): 

1. Computer Aided design and Manufacture, Grover M.P.Simmers, E.W. Prentice Hall 

2. CAD/CAM/CIM P.Radhakrishnan & Subramanyam, Willey Eastern Limited.

3. Automation, Production System and CIM, Goover, Prentice hall 

Course Outcomes:

  • Define the principles of optimum design 
  • Apply surface modelling techniques 
  • Analyze production systems at operation level.

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